Wednesday, December 2, 2009

United Galactic Federation

SUBJECT: United Galactic Federation

"What must we do to become a permanent member of the United Galactic Federation?

• We must refrain from ‘making war’, especially those that enrich the international banking cartels and corporations.

• We must stop the systematic exploitation of Earth’s natural resources, its environment, and its people.

• Governments will be required to end the systematic  extermination of the people through war, disease, pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs, intentional toxification, and starvation.

• We must begin to accept individual/collective responsibility for what we create/co-create while here on Earth.

• We must put an end to the rampant corruption that has taken over this planet.

• We must end the intentional impoverishment of the masses, for the benefit of a few, self-appointed controllers of the world’s resources, including food, water, and alternative-energy technologies.

• We must honor the Creator’s Laws. Only then can we begin to see the fallacies of our own ‘legal system’.

• We must end the use of nuclear weapons and other dangerous technologies.

• We must end religious oppression, racial genocide, and the ‘dumbing down’ of the masses.

• We must honor Truth and recognize the endless stream of lies and propaganda for what they are.

• We must honor and respect all life throughout the Universe and our God-given sovereignty.

• We must learn to love one another.

VERDICT:  Not Globally Weird, only by virtue of being superlatively galactically all-inclusive.

Congratulations Earth people!  You're almost there.
As for us, we here at GW have reached a milestone with this being our first non-globally weird post. Hurray!

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